Thursday, November 01, 2007

My Rant

About a month ago I exchanged my dinosaur phone for a Razr. With downsizing for school, it really wouldn't have been a wise choice to switch from Verizon to ATT just to got the more expensive iPhone. The cost of the ATT plan was more for the exact same calling plan. And, even though my first generation iPod died over the summer, a $350 sweet saucy iPhone would have been over the top.

Earlier this week I downloaded "Audacity." It's a free program that lets you record, edit, etc. I downloaded it just to make sweet ringtones. I figured out how to allow my mac to talk to the Razr via bluetooth, etc. I would send a file from my mac, to the Razr. The files were so small, right down to the bit rate, that it should have been an easy thing. One problem. The firmware (Verizon's software) doesn't allow file sharing on Verizon phones. I was sure there was a way around it. I read for days during my downtime at work (read, at least half a day for three straight days) hoping to find a way around it. There isn't. It's Verizon.

The thing that makes me rant isn't that I didn't get a saucy iPhone, or that everything non Apple is such a pain to use. The frustration comes from not being allowed to be creative. Making cool ringtones isn't the point of happiness. Being creative and innovative and problem solving is part of a person being an image bearer. Not being allowed to do that is what makes me frustrated... and rant. Okay. I feel better. Thanks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have have ring-tone software.

We should get together. Yeah, yeah, yeah.