Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Tuesday Greg and I were e-mailing about books. The subject ended up as a post on Greg's blog. Today I was at the bookstore, and a book jumped out at me because of it's cover. The black and yellow cover looked cool.

The book is titled The Danger Habit: how to grow your love of risk into life-changing faith. Seems interesting. The back of the book reads: You've been called adrenaline junkie, thrill seeker, permanently out of the box, extreme, and just plain crazy. And mostly, it's true. Whether you show your radical nature in extreme sports, supercharged business ventures, or high-risk relationships, you have a full-blown danger habit. As far as you can tell, you were born with it. And honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way... Except when your danger habit betrays you. Then your craving for adventure turns into magnet for disaster. You leave a trail of broken commitments and stupid decisions. You get trapped into binding addictions. You hurt the ones you love. And you end up feeling like a mistake. But what if you were created radical for a reason? What if the extreme life God has in mind for you doesn't have to come with a dark side? What if you were built this way for an important, even eternal, mission?

I hope you can judge a book by it's cover! I'll let you know how it goes once I finish Deadly Viper Character Assassins and In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. (For info on those books check out the widget on the right.)

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