Friday, October 06, 2006

The Dollar Store

You can get lots of cool things at the dollar store. Gum. Floss. Glass cleaner. Cotton swabs. Shampoo. Ramen Noodles.

We bought something way better that for a dollar! A car. Not a Hotwheels car either. A grown up car. The car is worth every penny, and then some! Friends of ours were gracious enough to sell us their car for one measley dollar. Jean was gone last night when D & J brought it over. It was J's car for a long long time. It was so sweet to see her tear up because of the sentiments and memories attached to the car. After D & J left last night the kids and I piled in and drove it up and down the driveway. It is solid and runs great. The kids love it. I love it. Jean loves it. J taught Jean to drive a stick in this car. Even though Jean has only tried driving a stick once since then, the thing Jean loves the most is the 30-40 minutes it saves not having to drive me to work in the morning and come back home, and then the 30-40 minutes it saves in the afternoon to pick me up after work.

We are humbled that someone would do this for us. Thanks for your generosity D & J!!! It was very, very kind of you. We appreciate it SO much.


Cheeky said...

I cried for the memories--I am so afraid I will forget them. But maybe it's ok to forget memories, even good ones. The car is just a thing. And it's God's car and has been all along. Who would've thought as my dad and I handed over $6,000 cash to an off-duty cop in an empty parking lot almost 10 years ago that it'd travel all over the US and end up here in Michigan and with a new family? I'm thrilled for you guys to enjoy being a two-car family and I can't wait to go blow that dollar at the Dollar Store on something nifty! Like I told Jean, it's been an amazing vehicle for us but I'm so afraid it'll turn into a lemon on ya--but I guess you paid the price of a lemon, literally, so if that's what you got you can't be mad at us!

Ed said...

I don't think we were given a lemon. For the price, we've probably already saved the cost of a bag of lemons. Jean was so taken back by how much time she saved this morning. That alone was worth it. I think you both gave us a tremendously great deal! THANKS!