Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Chris Update

Some of you may have seen in the news or read in the newspaper about the teen who was killed while helping his youth pastor with some painting on the youth pastor's home. The youth pastor is actually the controller (head accounting person) for our company. He's a super guy.

This is the update on his condition as of late this morning: Good morning everyone,

We've received some positive news from Correna this morning. Chris's EEG came back showing "normal" brain wave activity which is a positive sign. The doctors say that this is a positive and "what they expected" but they still need Chris to come out of the coma. Chris also went in for an MRI this morning at 4 am. The MRI will give the doctors a 3-D picture of Chris's brain and help them diagnose the full extent of any brain injury. Correna also said that Chris showed some signs of movement this morning. He adjusted his shoulders a little bit "as if to get himself more comfortable in the pillow". And they also said that he "didn't like" getting the breathing tube reinserted this morning.

We're certainly thankful for the positive steps that have been made and we are looking forward to hearing more good news in the future. Please keep Chris and his family in your prayers.

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