Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Costume Party

Halloween is a special day at my office. Not just because we get to dress up, but more importantly it gives everyone an excuse to bring in great food. If I didn't work here, I would easily drop 10 lbs. There is always food around, and at least once a month there is a potluck.

Today, since having a costume party is the excuse for bringing in food, I dressed up. I dressed up as Timothy Treadwell. The man who lived in the Alaskan wilderness for 13 summers with the grizzlies. I pretty much look like this picture, but without the live grizzly behind me. The real Timothy Treadwell did sleep with a teddy bear, and it accompanied him every summer to Alaska. I do have a teddy bear with me. Sam let me borrow his bear that he made at "Build-A-Bear," which also has an awesome roar.

Sam is batman, and Alina is a ballerina. They are adorable!

1 comment:

anne said...

You need to have a real picture of what you looked like...especially w/ a teddy tucked under your arm! :)