Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Funny Things from the Mouths of Sam and Alina

Last week we were school shopping. We saw a woman with really, really long braided blond hair. Alina said loudly, "I like her hair! I think it's a wig!"

When we were visiting John and Valerie, there were plans to do a hike after church. I was explaining those plans to Sam. He said, "And then we have to come back and have lunch!" I clarified that we were going to have lunch, and then go hiking. Then I said that it made me laugh that he was always so mindful of his stomach. I told him it wasn't a bad thing at all, but it just made me smile how much he thinks about eating. Sam replied, "I think about other things, too. Like . . . Hey! You're right! That is all I think about!"

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Haha, and we can't forget the Dave Smith story: "Look, Daddy! It's a BABY-MAN!!!" :)