Sunday, April 11, 2010

She Used the B Word!

I've been noticing it has been getting harder to read things up close. Being a grad student, I have to read lots of things up close. I have to read a lot of things period. So, Thursday I went in for an eye exam.

She said that my far vision is very good. Just needed a slight prescription lens. That prescription has been pretty much unchanged since college. I've needed a slight prescription since then. I rarely wore my glasses, though. I did get a pair of prescription lenses for mountain biking about 6 years ago and found those worked great. They helped me ride a little faster because they made the focus of things crisper––like trees, etc. Otherwise, the only way I could ride fast was being about a foot off of someone's wheel. Riding was the only time I needed any eye help.

The eye doctor told me my near vision wasn't so good. And, she said that I could go with bifocals. WHAT!?!?! She said, "I know it's hard to hear. But, it happens when we get about this age." The phrase "this age" is daunting. I won't be going with bifocals, though. I am going with a "progressive lens," where both prescriptions are contained in on lens without the dreaded bifocal line.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Don't worry friend... it is not so bad. No one will even know unless you tell them. I am on my third pair of progressives. It keeps me from moving my monitor screen to the end of my nose!