Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mariners vs. Tigers Baseball Game

Sunday Sam and I had tickets to see the Seattle Mariners play the Detroit Tigers. We were cheering for our home-state team. The baseball game was fun because being with Sam is fun. It was a great time, and it was a lot different than what I had anticipated. It is amazing how much Sam has grown into being able to watch a game. I remember taking him to the Whitecaps games just a few years ago and all he was interested in was eating. And, as much as he likes to eat NOW (when he gets up in the morning the first thing he does is eat breakfast, and after breakfast he asks what is on the lunch menu and what we will be having for dinner), he didn't ask to visit the concession stands. He wasn't bored. He was really into the game.

At the beginning of the 8th he did say that he needed to stretch. We went to the bathroom, and then walked to the outfield bridge and watched a few pitches. After those two pitches Sam said he wanted to get back to our seats. WOW. It is just amazing to me how into the game he really was.

We did miss the big Detroit home run around the second or third inning. We were looking for Detroit Tiger sweatshirts. The day was beautiful, but we were in the shade which made it a little chilly. There was no Tiger wear to be found. We ended up finding "D" caps in the main Mariners' shop. Of course, they didn't have the right size for my head. I ended up spending an inflated amount of money for a cap that cuts off the blood flow and blurs my vision. But, it was okay. Sam and I got matching hats. Sam has been wearing his hat every day since.

Sunday evening when we got home we played baseball in our yard, and Sam invited some of the neighbor kids to play, too. And we have played catch nearly every morning before school.

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