Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Expeditious Slug

Yesterday I noticed this slug in our house. It had come under the front door by way of a gap at the corner. The slug was about two and a half inches long. I left him there for Jean and the kids to see when they got home.

Unfortunately, we all forgot about it. After LOST was over, Jean and I headed to bed. It was no longer by the front door. There was no slime trail leading anywhere, so I figured it may have gone back outside. I opened the front door, but there was no slug. They don't move that fast, but I still figured it had made its way out and back into the front flowerbed.

We read in bed for a bit and I fell asleep. I woke up around 1:30am to got to the bathroom. On the way back to the bedroom I noticed the slug in the doorway of our bedroom and it was heading for the hall. It was in moving mode. Its antennae were up, and it was stretched out to 4". Fortunately for me, I had fallen asleep before turning my reading light off. Otherwise I would never have seen it on my way back to bed. I would have stepped on it and gotten slug squished between my toes. I was fortunate that I didn't step on it on my way out of the bedroom.

How did it get there? There was no slime trail. Did it hitch a ride on Sam's blanket? I seriously doubt Moose played with it and brought it into our room. If it doesn't pet him, Moose doesn't pay attention to it. Regardless of how it got there, it took an early morning ride on the porcelain express.


anne said...


shannon said...

We also had a slug in our house...but we couldn't find it - we could only see the slime trails. Lydia is the one who found it, picked it up, and it was headed for a ride down her throat. Luckily I got to her just in time, grabbed her wrist and shook it until she let go, and swept little sluggy out into the garden. I think he died in the process...but at least he's not in our house anymore! Slugs are fascinating, yet very, very gross!

Rebecca said...

I have had slugs in my house on at least two occasions. I think they come in my potted plants... But on both occasions I could not find the elusive creatures. I would just wake up in the morning to a new trails of slime. Eventually I guess they either found their way out or dried up somewhere under the couch!

Hillary said...

Bahahaha! You flushed a four inch long slug?! Spider, sure... I've never thought of flushing a slug! That's so funny!