Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fix You

Most are familiar with this song by Cold Play. I love the music in this song––the gradual buildin, and the point where the guitar and drums come in always brings out the greatest air-virtuoso within me. I even love the words of the song. Well, most of the words. I love all of the words except, "and I will try to fix you." It seems like a good intention. These words have always made me wonder, though, "What is so wrong with me that you need to 'FIX' who I am? Am I that unlovable? And, what will you do with me if you can't fix me?"

The past two Fridays and Saturdays I have been taking an intensive 2 credit class called Domestic Violence: The Impact of Abuse. Several times over the past two days our professor made the statement, "I don't like to think of people as being broken. Because what happens to things that can't be fixed? They get thrown away. I would rather think of someone as being wounded and in need of healing."

My story has involved me being thrown away, which is how I learned to throw away. I don't want you to think of me as broken anymore, and I don't want to think of you as broken anymore. I want to know that you won't throw me away. That you will help in my healing. And, I want to be the person who won't throw you away. I will befriend you in your healing.

1 comment:

steve said...

I like it Ed! No one wants to be Thrown Away.