jean and the kids dropped me off for work today. as they pulled away a gentleman walked up to me.
first he asked if i smoked.
then he said he was doing some physical therapy work at panera bread this morning. now has a flat.
he said that the admiral (gas) station wanted an outrageous amount for a can of fix a flat. he said he was just a few dollars short. he said that i could hold his car keys as collateral. basically i could have anything but his text books.
first of all i don't know of an admiral gas station around here...
i asked if he went to meijer.
he said that he called over there but they don't have fix a flat.
of course they do... meijer has EVERYTHING! and why didn't he just walk to meijer instead of calling there as it was between panera bread and our office park.
he said that he was trying to call his wife but her cell phone wasn't going through, and now he was going to miss his afternoon class and grand valley state.
umm... it's 9 AM...
we got a call in our office from a first home financial, a company in the office park that we have had a very close business relationship with forever. they said they found him going through some of their cubicles.
so, i went out to look for him. wanting the real story from him of what he was really looking for.
i saw another guy outside of another building. he said the guy "hit their building" about 15 minutes ago. he said that he saw the sheriff pull in.
on my way back i talked with the lady who manages the office park. she was looking for him. she was going through all of the buildings making sure empty places were locked. she wondered if the sheriff had already found him.
drats. i was hoping to find out what he was really looking for. more on the inside of him. what drove his elaborate story.