Sunday, January 09, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes

Saturday was Sam's first game of basketball. I knew he had made some improvement since last year, but I was surprised to see just how much he had improved. When he was out on the court playing the game he was by far the quickest one on the court. He made his team's first 8 points, and finished with 10 of the team's 18. By the end, we could tell he lost some of his energy as his shots weren't quite making it to the hoop. Besides running much more than the other players, most of the game he was asked to guard #11 on the opposing team––a boy at least a foot taller. He was one tired boy by the end of the game, and the fall he took on his knee slowed him down, too. I think Sam will be playing a lot of sports through his school years. I am obviously biased, but he's pretty darn good! In this game, he's #4 in the white jersey.

Sam Basketball 01-08-2011 Blog from Ed Ballance on Vimeo.

1 comment:

k-bake said...

The kid can fly! And he's got game. No surprise...he comes from good stock. What kid's dad was on the court for the other team? You know...that guy wearing #11.