Monday, December 27, 2010

In the Kitchen with Jean at Christmas

I was fortunate enough to help Jean prepare some of the Christmas Eve meal and Christmas Day meal on Friday. It is pretty rare to find us cooking in the kitchen at the same time. Normally, I cook Sundays and in the summer when I don't have class. Cooking with her was eye opening for me.

Jean has made big and delicious meals before. The most recent being Canadian Thanksgiving dinner in October. She did that meal on her own. Much of that meal was created from family recipes. Though we had feasted on those dishes before at the homes of relatives, the meal tasted better than I recall them tasting in the past. I attributed it to the love Jean had poured into creating the meal for our friends.

Christmas Eve Day I was able to see her at work. She had such a command and confidence about her. She was patiently teaching me. She was able to move from creation to creation without hesitation. She was completely at ease. It was amazing to see. It was as though transformation that has taken place in her life over the past several years into woman who is confident about her beauty and elegance was being showcased. Not showcased only as a chef, but as a woman who is assured of the beautiful goodness she has to offer the ones she loves.

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