Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Laying a Pair of Old Friends to Rest

I bought this pair of hiking boots in the spring of 1998 for an eight day backpacking trip to Pukaskwa National Park with Andy, Paulo and Brian V. The tread began coming off of the left boot on the walk up to Rachel Lake last Thursday, and by the time we reached the lake, I had to pull the rest of the tread off the boot. Needless to say, no tread on one boot made coming down the snow covered mountain with a partially loaded pack a lot of fun! On the walk out Friday I could stick my toes out the bottom of the left boot, and I even took a couple of sticks up the toenail of my big toe! Ouch. I took some first-aid tape and wrapped it around the boot hoping to keep my foot inside, it didn't work for very long. And, on the last half mile, the tread came off of the right boot.

I loved this pair of boots. They gave me sure footing over many miles on all the trips during the twelve year span. Trips with Jean, Sam & Alina, and trips with great friends that became even better friends as a result of those miles on the trail. Thanks for the memories!

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