Monday, October 15, 2007


Saturday was an interesting soccer game. Sam played goalie for the first quarter and the third quarter. Even though he was scored on three times in the first quarter, he did an amazing job. A 6 year old can only make so many saves when the ball never seems to leave the goal area.

An interesting part of the game was when the ref came over to our coach and said, "please quit harassing me." Yeah, our coach was on him. Yeah, the ref is probably 17 and doesn't "teach" much on the field (as these kids are only 6 and 7). Yeah, the ref misses most of the calls. He, like us, is probably glad that there is one week left to the season. I bet he hates us.

Even though our team was beaten royally - I lost count after it was 8 to 0 - I was so proud of Sam. He played so hard.

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