Friday, October 29, 2010

She Just Is

Yesterday Alina brought a larger than standard envelope home from school. There was a note inside that read:

Dear Alina and Parents, Congratulations! Because you have demonstrated leadership with your positive attitude and good choices, I am excited to tell you that Alina has been selected to be one of six narrators for this year's PreK, K, 1st Grade Christmas Chapels. One boy and one girl were chosen from each of the first grade classes . . .

The note, attached to her script, goes on to describe the practice requirements that come along with the privilege. Besides lots of practicing at home, she has to miss lunch recess Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. When I informed Alina of that requirement she sweetly replied, "That's alright."

I did my best to explain that she was seen as the girl with the best attitudes in her first grade class. I don't think it phased her. The character that was described in the note is just who she is and she will continue to be that way. She doesn't try to be that way. She just is.

1 comment:

Mark Johnson said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You two are doing a wonderful job with both of your kids! Make sure you get her on video so that we can all see.