Friday, September 24, 2010

How to Be a Friend

Our neighbors are in the process of finding a home for their dog Margaret. Margaret is a huge, old, Basset Hound. Lorelei, our neighbors' daughter, woke up Margaret and Margaret bit her on the lip. Margaret hasn't lived there since biting Lorelei, but the decision was made that Margaret can't come back home. Margaret has been staying at Lorelei's grandma's.

Today Lorelei came over just to say "hi" to Alina, but didn't want to stay and play. After telling us that they would be finding a new home for Margaret, she refused to cry. I could see her forcing herself not to. She said that she just wanted to go back home. As she was leaving, Alina said, "You can come to my room and color a picture of Margaret if you want to." Lorelei said, "I think I'll stay."

Alina is such a sweet friend, and did what every friend should do when there is heartache. She didn't try and ignore it or chance the subject. She didn't tell Lorelei that everything would be okay. Alina didn't talk about what a good dog, or bad dog, Margaret was. She simply walked with her friend gently into the pain.

Many of us have been told to get over our pain. Many of us have been told to "suck it up." How often have we longed for a friend that would just be with us during the hurt and sadness? That is how the healing happens.

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