Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Weight Metaphor

Most of you who read Jean's blog know that we have been losing weight. Since December 29th I have lost 19 lbs. I still hope to lose another 10 lbs. If it happens, sweet. If not, sweet.

There are many reasons for losing the physical weight for me. I looked like crap. I felt like crap. It was hard to play well, especially with Sam. I had no energy. I am also doing some races this year. Most here in the area, but also one with my sherpa brother in May. That one will be a blast, mostly because it will be with Johnny! I can't wait!

The weight has been a metaphor for many things in life. Coming into this year there were many things that just needed to be let go of. My weight was one of many things. School needed to be done smarter so that I could spend better time with my family. This has led to Edventure Saturdays as a family. There were also harmful relationships that were weighing me down and us down. School, boundaries class at church, and therapy have all led to putting these harmful relationships in their proper places.

As a family, I feel like we are in a really great place. Moving here has been the best thing for us as a couple. When Jean's mom and dad came to visit recently I feared that we would regress or that we as a couple wouldn't be able to hold our own against them. That how we have learned to leave and cleave would be fought against. It was fought against, yet we – and especially Jean – held and held well. It is absolutely amazing to witness who we have become. Not just who I have become, but who we have become. It is truly good.

We each have a handful of friendships that we miss dearly. But, we haven't let those friendships get away. We keep in close contact with them, and they with us. We miss them so much it hurts, and we are looking forward to seeing them in April. Those 10 days are going to go by way too quickly.

Yet, being here has allowed us to cut so many harmful things away. We attend a great church, Sam (and soon to be Alina) is at a great school, I am at a great school. Most of all, I have a great family. Our marriage is intimately good. As hard as the first few months were, we are thankful. I am thankful for who we have been allowed to be and become here. God is transforming me through so many things. I have never felt closer to Jean. I have never felt lighter.

1 comment:

anne said...

Great posting and metaphors! :) But Ed, where is the photo PROOF!?