Friday, July 10, 2009

Vacation. Bible. School.

Jean and her beautifully brilliant staff of volunteers are leading VBS next week. Though our church doesn't, we both have been surprised at the number of churches in the area that charge for kids to come to VBS. I would say that roughly 50% of the churches that have a Vacation Bible School charge – and the fee ranges from $10 to $50 for the week.

Is this just a Pacific Northwest thing or a hard economic times thing? Either way, it feels wrong.

Though I am sure that some may argue, "Well, we're basically providing childcare," but isn't it more than that? Aren't you sharing life, the life giving power of Christ, during that week? I think the thing that gets me most is that those that may come from homes where this life is needed most, may be prohibited from coming because of the monetary cost.

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