Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ah... Christmas

Christmas seemed to go in a blur. We were in pretty good shape considering all that there was to do, but, we were still busy. Busy. Saturday morning I left for Lansing at about 6:40 AM to complete a Christmas gift for my mom. I got back late in the afternoon and we went caroling with friends. That was great. Sunday, we did the whirlwind clean on the house so that we could celebreat Christmas with my aunt Sue. She's my favorite aunt. She, her boyfriend, and my mom all came to the Christmas Eve service with us at church, and then we went out for Chinese afterwards. Eating Chinese on Christmas Eve has become a weird tradition for us.

Christmas morning the kids slept in. They have never ever been early risers for Christmas. We read the Christmas story, open gifts, ate coffee cake that we made together as a family. Then, we were off to preparing for more company. Jean made a sweet looking, and tasting, apple pie for dinner, as well as a mint chocolate chip pie. When the chores were done, Sam and I went across the street to the school to launch his glider.

Then, the company came. Jean's mom and dad, and my mom. After visiting with them for a bit, Sam and I fixed a plateful of goodies for snack, then went downstairs to play video games. That time with Sam was the best part of my entire holiday. Just being. Hanging with him. Not having to do anything to prepare, not having to entertain anyone. Just enjoying being Sam's dad.

Afer about an hour, nearly the entire extended family was downstairs. Shalom felt shattered. The rest of the night was good, too. But, not the same as being able to just "be" with my immediate family.

Most of my friends have jobs in ministry or industry where they have this week off. What I wouldn't give to have this week off. To just "be" with Jean, Sam, and Alina.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Thank you for all you did around the house those days. And being the wonderful husband you are. :) I love you.