Thursday, January 24, 2008

Green, But Not with Envy

Several months ago Jean bought me a new water container to drink from at work. She was concerned because even the dishwasher couldn't cleanse all of the green growth from the bottom. I hadn't taken the new container to work. But, Tuesday morning she was cleaning out the cupboards and tossed it to me to bring to work.

I took a picture comparing the two. The old one, on the left, does have a nice, greenish hue.

I've always prided myself in how I slowly poison, er..., introduce things into my body to make it stronger. It's a strange thing. I would drink from a cup or eat from a dish that the dishwasher left food on. Yet, I will let a sandwich or meal that should be refrigerated sit out all day, and eat it of course. I worked as a custodian for our hometown church while I was on college. It was located in a pretty hard neighborhood. Prostitutes, the homeless, and drug dealers. One day I found one of those large drinking jugs with a straw in it on the church grounds. I took it in and washed it up and used it as thirst quencher at break. I got flack every day. On my last day there before I moved to Grand Rapids I asked everyone to autograph it. It was special.


Jean said...

Have you thrown out the green growth jug?

The autographed drinking unit has moved with us 4 times but drinking out of it is not allowed.

Ed said...

I think I brought it home hoping it could be recycled. It might be in the car. But, I don't think it is. I think it made its way into the house. The new jug, though it looks the same, takes some getting used to. The mouth opening is bigger. Good thing I have big mouth. I'm good.

Jason Bowker said...

When are you guys planning on moving out to Seattle? Do you have a time picked out? We are planning on leaving Sioux Falls on Monday morning, June 30th and getting there Tuesday night, July 1.