Thursday, October 18, 2007

First, Know What and What is Not the Evil Empire

I frequently browse various job sites, Craigslist, etc., to see what jobs are available for a cartographer in Seattle. Today I was looking on Craigslist under the Customer Service heading. One listing was shown as "Brown Paper Tickets" so I clicked the link. The ad began, Hi! Brown Paper Tickets is the first and only free-trade ticketing service. We are the grassroots rival to Ticketmaster, and we need your help to overturn the evil empire! It went on to describe what skills the successful candidate must possess. The very, very first qualification insisted that the applicant be Proficient with Windows XP, sending and receiving e-mail, working with a multiple-line phone system, and other computer savvy projects as they come your way.

The very problem here is that Microsoft, not Ticketmaster, is the evil empire. Wake up people!

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