Friday, September 29, 2006

The Greatest Holiday

The Greatest Holiday in the whole wide world, well after Easter, is almost upon us. That's right! Canadian Thanksgiving!!!!! Jean has e-mailed the invitations for the great feast and the meal preparation has begun. We can't wait to celebrate the blessings of the Motherland. We will actually be celebrating a day early, Sunday October 8th. Hopefully there will be leftovers so that we can celebrate again on the actualy Canadian Thanksgiving Day – Monday the 9th.

Though we aren't officially Canadians, we often wish we were as we love everything icy, rugged, snowy, and fuzzy.

THANKSGIVING – 2nd Monday of October

What It Is: Initially created to praise the end of wars and cholera, this holiday has evolved into its present-day raison d'etre humble thanks for all things Canadian.

How to Celebrate: Sleep in late, throw a turkey in the oven, stir up some Caesars, and head out for some shinny (pick-up hockey) to work up an appetite for the evening feast.


Jean said...

we may have to make a trip to QD for some milk in a bag...

Ed said...